Monday, October 20, 2014

Frogs and Flu Shots

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If you remember high school biology class, you most likely remember the animal specimens you reluctantly had to dissect.  Worms, sheep brains and frogs – all preserved in an odiferous chemical solution of formaldehyde.  Formaldehyde is also known for its use in the funeral industry as an embalming fluid.

In June 2011, government scientists expressed concern for formaldehyde exposure after finding ‘worrisome quantities’ of the chemical in plywood, particle board, mortuaries and hair salons.  Several human studies went as far as reporting an association between formaldehyde exposure and lung and nasopharyngeal cancer.  It is now considered by the EPA a probable human carcinogen (Group B1) – it’s also a trace ingredient found in your flu shot.

For chiropractors, it is ‘worrisome’ that millions of flu shot recipients have no idea of what’s being injected into them every year.  Inevitably, we’re all going to get a dose of formaldehyde when we die.  The question is, do you feel comfortable having it injected artificially into your body when you’re still alive?

Distributed with permission © The Weekly Sticky

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Did You Hear?

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Did you know the very first Chiropractic adjustment wasn't for back pain?  Here's how it all started as told by our founder Dr. D.D. Palmer in September of 1895…

"Harvey Lillard, a janitor, in the Ryan Block, where I had my office, had been so deaf for 17 years that he could not hear the racket of a wagon on the street or the ticking of a watch.  I made inquiry as to the cause of his deafness and was informed that when he was exerting himself in a cramped, stooping position, he felt something give way in his back and immediately became deaf.

 An examination showed a vertebra racked from its normal position.  I reasoned that if that vertebra was replaced, the man's hearing should be restored.  With this object in view, a half hour's talk  persuaded Mr. Lillard to allow me to replace it.  I racked it into position by using the spinous process as a lever and soon the man could hear as before.

There was nothing 'accidental' about this, as it was accomplished with an object in view, and the result expected was obtained.  There was nothing 'crude' about this adjustment; it was specific, so much so that no Chiropractor has equaled it."

 And that’s how Chiropractic was born - good thing D.D. was a great persuader!
Distributed with permission © The Weekly Sticky
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Monday, August 25, 2014

Walking in one shoe

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No one would entertain the thought of walking around with just one shoe on.  Not only would it look funny, but it would be really bad for your feet, knees, hips, back and even your neck.  Unfortunately, many people have been doing this very thing for years without knowing it!

When an otherwise healthy spine is forced to function in a Subluxated state (one or more vertebrae become misaligned and create biophysical deficiency) the resultant imbalance creates poor body mechanics and a higher risk for long term soft tissue damage.  Postural distortions like uneven hips or a 'functional short leg' are signs that 'something's off' in your spine and needs to be evaluated.  So much so that many Chiropractors use Leg Length Inequality checks as a means to confirm the presence of Subluxations in your spine.

Just like driving a car with bad alignment can cause premature wear and tear on tires and brakes - walking around with a functional short leg from subluxations can cause premature wear and tear on your joints and discs (degenerative disc disease).  If you're experiencing the warning signs of this type of imbalance (like leg, hip or back pain), get to your Chiropractor ASAP and have your leg lengths professionally checked before more serious damage occurs.
Distributed with permission © The Weekly Sticky
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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Plaque and Chiropractic

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If health is our most precious treasure, stress is a menacing thief trying to rob us of it every day. And if you're not diligently protecting your health against potential break-ins, chances are you'll lose it without any warning.
Stress negatively affects our health in many ways, but perhaps the most devastating is its effect on our Nerve System. Studies have shown a link between stress and a phenomena called
Sympathetic Dominance - a condition where the 'fight or flight' functions of your Nerve System become chronically overactive, leading to overload in organic functions, fatigue and eventually
disease (1). The good news...
When stress is trying to rob you blind, Chiropractic care is the vault protecting your most valuable assets. Just don't use it for bad backs and bad necks. You can rely on regular adjustments to safeguard your nerve system and preserve your WHOLE health. It's for so much more than pain relief.
Distributed with permission © The Weekly Sticky

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

When the spine's away...

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If you have little kids, you know if you leave them alone for too long, something bad is bound to happen.  Worse yet, if they haven't made a peep for some time - that's when the most destruction is going down!  You have to peek in on them every now and then to make sure they're not getting into trouble.

If you leave your spine neglected for too long, inevitably it will get in trouble too.  Vertebrae get out of line, nerves become irritable and before you know it your health is a total a mess.  When your spine's away from Chiropractic supervision - Subluxations will play...

Kids can get into messy trouble if you don't check in on them often.  Funny how spines do the same thing too.  It's probably a good thing to keep a close eye on yours.
Distributed with permission © The Weekly Sticky
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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Put it out yourself!

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You wouldn’t call the fire department to blow out a candle, or an electrician to change a light bulb.  Those are simple tasks you can handle on your own.  Yet every day, people call on a specialist or expert for healing a problem their ‘doctor on the inside’ could easily take care of.
Maybe it's lack of understanding, fear of the unknown or concern it could be something life threatening.  Overkill is the norm in the today’s medical world.  Over testing, over diagnosing, over treating… all done for the sake of ‘thoroughness.’  In reality, all it does is strike fear in the hearts of patients who just need to hear the truth.
The greatest challenge we have as Chiropractors is to help you realize how powerful you truly are.  The same intelligence that holds the cosmos together, is holding you together too!  In the rare case you develop a health problem where outside help is needed, rest assured it will be there for you.  In the meantime - pause, take a deep breath and relax.  If your Nerve System is clear, your body is capable of putting out the ‘flame’ on its own.
Distributed with permission © The Weekly Sticky