Tuesday, March 3, 2015

When life gives you lemon oil

The latest item I've been asked to sample (for free, by the way) is the Lemon Essential Oil pictured here.  I was sent a HUGE bottle and couldn't wait to try it.  Lemon oi is great for a multitude of things and this one is no different.

I use all natural cleaners n my home.  Concentrated, unscented, very effective, but otherwise boring cleaners.  I added a few drops of this lemon oil and use it for everything from countertops to floors to glass cleaner.   I also use it in my essential oils diffuser for an instant air freshener.  I have a couple of cats and fresh air can be hard to come by.  This stuff is great for clean air.  I've added a couple of drops to my drinking water - yes you can ingest certain essential oils.  Lemon is one of them.  This is a food grade oil made from lemons, so....

The oil, not only makes water taste, well, lemony...it is purported to boost your metabolism and help burn fat.  I can't report on that at the moment, but I thought it was worth a try.  It's also supposed to boost your energy.  Who couldn't use more of that?  I haven't noticed more of that either, but I haven't been ultra consistent, to be perfectly honest.  I'll keep at it though, and if somehow, I become a size 2 in the next week or so, I'll be back to tell all about it!

In a nutshell, I love this stuff and will be using for a long time to come.