- Unilateral (one-sided) head or face pain (rarely is it on both sides).
- Pain is localized or stays in one spot, usually the back of the head, frontal, temporal (side) or orbital (eye) regions.
- Moderate to severe pain intensity.
- Intermittent attacks of pain that last hours to days.
- Pain is usually deep, non-throbbing, unless migraines occur at the same time.
- Head pain is triggered by neck movement, sustained awkward head postures, applying deep pressure to the base of the skull or upper neck region, and/or taking a deep breath, cough or sneeze can trigger head pain.
- Limited neck motion with stiffness.
Friday, December 1, 2017
What kind of headache?
Monday, November 20, 2017

It's Thanksgiving time, and in
staying with custom, we'd
like to share with you a few things we are truly grateful for this
year. Here's a short list...
We're thankful for Subluxatation free
spines, mobile joints and healthy sagital curves. Supple
muscles with elastic flexibility. Unimpeded nerve systems,
through which the
gift of innate intelligence flows, coordinating all the functions that
Life. An abundance of eager referrals,
standing room only orientations and miracle testimonials.
We're especially grateful for our Principle,
and the many lives that have been saved by its faithful application.
But most of all we're thankful for all our
patients, staff and ChiropracTIC fanatics worldwide who, through their
and unrelenting desire to advance Life, have come to appreciate these
things as
well. Our practice is nothing without
you - our Chiropractic family. Have a
blessed Thanksgiving, above down, inside and out.
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Why Chiropractic?
Monday, October 30, 2017
Fall Back...

What do subluxations and the end of Daylight Savings Time have in common? Both leave you with less light! When you break the word down into its roots, SUB-LUX-ATION you get “SUB” – which means less than normal, “LUX” – which is a Latin root for light and "ATION” – is a state of being. So figuratively, the definition of subluxation is a state or condition of less LIGHT or power.
Subluxations occur when spinal bones misalign and restrict the normal flow of “light” through the spinal cord and nerves. The effect… your body gets less of the Life energy it needs from the nerve system to maintain health and vitality. When Chiropractors locate and correct subluxations, they unblock the light so it flows freely through your nerve system, illuminating every cell, tissue and organ in your body.
If sub-lux-ations produce darkness in your health, Chiropractic adjustments bring EN-LIGHTEN-MENT. So don’t let the upcoming shorter, darker days get you down. Fall back into a healthy routine with Chiropractic. Life is bright when you’re subluxation free.
Monday, October 2, 2017
Pregnancy and Chiropractic, really?

Friday, September 1, 2017
What is Chiropractic and how does it work?
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Chiropractic Foundation

Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Why am I dizzy?
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
What's the deal with leg length?

Thursday, March 2, 2017
Nursing helps to reduce stress.
If your baby is having difficulty with latching on, losing suction, reflux or colic - be sure to have them checked by a chiropractor who specializes in pediatric care.
- Get adjusted! It has been reposted that getting adjusted can increase your immune system by 60-200% with just one adjustment!
- A therapist can help you work through stress and find better ways to deal with problems. For more serious stress-related disorders, like post-traumatic stress disorder, therapy can be helpful.
- Relax - It's important to unwind in a way that works for you. Try a bubble bath, deep breathing, yoga, meditation, and massage therapy. If you can't do these things, take a few minutes to sit, listen to soothing music, or read a book.
- Sleep - Your stress could get worse if you don't get enough sleep. It is hard to fight off illness when you sleep poorly. With enough sleep, it is easier to cope with challenges and stay healthy. Try to get seven to nine hours of sleep every night. If you can't, try to sleep when the baby sleeps.
- Eat right - Try to fuel up with fruits, vegetables, proteins, and whole grains.
- Get moving - Physical activity not only helps relieve your tense muscles, but helps your mood too! Your body makes certain chemicals, called endorphins, before and after you exercise. These relieve stress and improve your mood.
- Talk to friends - Friends can be good listeners. Finding someone who will let you talk freely about your problems and feelings without judging you does a world of good. It also helps to hear a different point of view. Friends will remind you that you're not alone.
- Keep a journal - Write down your thoughts. Have you ever typed an email to a friend about your lousy day and felt better afterward? Why not grab a pen and paper and write down what's going on in your life! Keeping a journal can be a great way to get things off your chest and work through issues.
- Get a hobby - Find something you enjoy. Make sure to give yourself time to explore your interests.
- Set limits - Figure out what you can really do. There are only so many hours in the day. Set limits with yourself and others. Don't be afraid to say no to requests for your time and energy.
- Plan your time - Think ahead about how you're going to spend your time. Write a to-do list. Figure out which tasks are the most important to do.
- Don't deal with stress in unhealthy ways - This includes drinking too much alcohol, using drugs, or smoking, all of which can harm the baby. It is also unhealthy to overeat in response to stress.
- Schedule online