Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Forget Someone at Home?

Landing Page HTML Template Forget Someone at Home?

Chiropractor - “Hey Mary, where are your kids?”   Mary - “I left them at home, they don’t have any back pain…”  Chiropractor - “That might be true, but do they have Subluxations?”

Studies show that stress from the birth process alone is enough to produce pediatric Subluxations –  subtle, yet significant vetebral misalignments which alter normal nerve function in children.  And don't forget the stress they experience from falling off bikes, rough housing with siblings or just trying to fit in at school.  Kids are inherently Subluxation prone!

If you bring your kids to the dentist for preventative maintenance as soon as they get teeth, it only makes sense you bring them to the Chiropractor as soon as they get a spine.  In other words, don’t leave them at home… get them checked EARLY and REGULARLY for Subluxations.  You’re investing in their health and their future when you do.

Distributed with permission © The Weekly Sticky

Go to www.drkarengardner.com to schedule an appointment

Monday, November 23, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Landing Page HTML Template Grateful for the power

It's Thanksgiving time, and in staying with custom, we'd like to share with you a few things we are truly grateful for this year.  Here's a short list...

We're thankful for Subluxatation free spines, mobile joints and healthy sagital curves.  Supple muscles with elastic flexibility.  Unimpeded nerve systems, through which the gift of innate intelligence flows, coordinating all the functions that sustain Life.  An abundance of eager referrals, standing room only orientations and miracle testimonials.  We're especially grateful for our Principle, and the many lives that have been saved by its faithful application.

But most of all we're thankful for all our patients, staff and ChiropracTIC fanatics worldwide who, through their trust and unrelenting desire to advance Life, have come to appreciate these things as well.   Our practice is nothing without you - our Chiropractic family.  Have a blessed Thanksgiving, above down, inside and out.

Distributed with permission © The Weekly Sticky
Schedule today www.drkarengardner.com

Monday, November 2, 2015

Flies and Garbage Cans

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The Ever notice that flies like to congregate around dirty, neglected garbage cans?  You don’t usually see them swarming near clean ones. The same can be said for germs, bugs and viruses.

Germs are like flies... they’re opportunistic. Give them a dirty place to settle and they’ll multiply.  Provide a weak host and they’ll take advantage. But that’s not the case in clean, well kept environments.  BJ Palmer, the developer of Chiropractic said ‘if the germ theory was true, we would all be dead…’ He recognized that germs thrive in dis-eased (Subluxated) individuals who can’t fight back, not healthy strong ones.

If you keep your body tidy with proper hygiene, good nutrition and most important - a clear Nerve System, germs and bugs are less capable of taking up residence in you.  And if they make the mistake of trying too, you’re healthy well-adjusted body will give them the boot!
Distributed with permission © The Weekly Sticky

Schedule a check up TODAY! www.drkarengardner.com

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Zombies Among Us

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What do zombies and the chronically Subluxated have in common?  Both are doomed to aimlessly wander the earth more DEAD - than fully ALIVE!

It’s common for those suffering with chronic Subluxations to feel tired, fatigued and disinterested in Life - like they’re barely existing.  If left undetected, chronic Subluxations interfere with the normal flow of power in your Nerve System, leaving you physically, mentally and emotionally drained.  The result: you end up walking around in a trance-like state, clueless to the fact that you’d feel more alive if you simply got adjusted.

Do you know someone who’s meandering through life like the walking dead?  Nothing’s scarier than living hopelessly in a ‘zombie-like-fog’ because of Subluxations.  Reach out and tell them how Chiropractic care can transform them from the walking dead to the well-adjusted!

Distributed with permission © The Weekly Sticky
Schedule an appointment today www.drkarengardner.com

Monday, October 12, 2015

Nothing Organic about it

Landing Page HTML Template Nothing Organic Flu Shot

Spray pesticides on an apple and it’s no longer organic.  Add a drop of oil to a glass of spring water and it’s no longer pure. Most Americans detest the idea of dumping chemicals in a pristine, natural environment.  But why not have the same aversion when it comes to getting the flu shot?

Maybe it’s because you don’t realize what’s in it: Mercury (a known neurotoxin in the form of Thimerisol), Glycol (a component in antifreeze) and Formaldehyde (the stuff they preserve cadavers with).  If you dumped those chemicals in your local water supply you’d get arrested.  But every year, unknowing Americans line up at their local pharmacy to get this stuff injected into their veins.

Given the choice to eat an organic apple vs. one blasted with toxic chemicals, you know which one you’d rather take a bite out of.  Question is, would you take a bite out of yourself after getting injected with the ingredients in the flu shot?  There are natural, alternative ways to boost your immune system and protect yourself from the flu. Ask your Chiropractor what they are so you can keep your body ORGANIC this season.

Distributed with permission © The Weekly Sticky

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Fight for Yourself

Landing Page HTML Template Keep Calm Adjustment
It's that time of year again.  Lines will soon form outside of every corner prescription retailer.  The water cooler conversions about 'getting your shot' will become more common place.  It's flu season - so let the fear begin.

If you pay close attention, you'll discern the patronizing message behind Big Pharma's campaign during the up coming (and likely worst yet) flu season. You're not smart enough - follow our commercials... You're too weak - trust our shots... Your body doesn't stand a chance of making it by itself - depend on our pills and potions.  NOTHING about your body's innate ability to adapt to its environment.  NOTHING about the intimate relationship between neurology and immunology.  NOTHING about how capable you truly are of getting through the 'season' on your own.

Don't let the flu season fear mongers bully you into thinking you're not good enough to survive without their help.  Start training for the fight now with good nutrition, proper rest and exercise and last but not least, keeping your Nerve System strong and clear.  Keep calm, your Chiropractor believes in you.
Distributed with permission © The Weekly Sticky

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Plaque and Chiropractic

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If you eat, you're going to develop plaque on your teeth - it's inevitable.  But if you brush regularly, you can keep the plaque from building up... thus avoiding the formation of cavities and decay that result from neglect.

Likewise if you move, you're going to develop subluxations in your spine - it's inevitable.  But if you get checked and adjusted regularly, you can keep the spinal fixations from setting up... thus avoiding abnormal nerve tension and the spinal degeneration that also comes from neglect.

Whether you like it or not, plaque and subluxations happen - it comes with being human.  The only other options to avoid them are to not eat or move.  But what kind of existence would that be?  It's better to keep these byproducts of Living in check with regular, professional maintenance care. Schedule your check up www.drkarengardner.com
Distributed with permission © The Weekly Sticky

Natural Flu Prevention

The Best Defense is a Good Offense! Boost your immune system, naturally.

It's that time of year again.  A time when we are bombarded with ads and promotions to get the flu shot.  I won't go into a long explanation of why the shot simply doesn't work or what toxic chemicals are also injected into your bloodstream when you get the shot.  You can Google a thousand pages that will explain that for you. 

But, I will tell you what you can do NATURALLY to prevent the flu.  There's so much to say for a properly working immune system.  It can fight off almost anything.  The items I list in this FLU ALERT are the very things I do for myself and my family to ensure the best NATURAL immunity possible.  

First and foremost, the most important factor in a properly functioning immune system is a properly functioning NERVOUS SYSTEM.  The ONLY way to achieve this is through - you guessed it - regular chiropractic adjustments. 

So, as you may have expected, I am recommending that you and your family (or whomever wants to improve their immune system) get on a regular schedule of adjustments.  What's regular?  One to Two adjustments per month during Flu season.  That's it.  We can always bump it up if you know you've been around someone with the flu or who was recently vaccinated.  

Here's to a healthier you!  See you soon.                             Schedule Your Check Up Now.

P.S. Wash your hands often.  

NET Flu Immune #12   

Homeopathic Flu PREVENTION & Relief

No one wants to get the flu.  Most people I know don't want the flu shot - it's not very effective.  So what can you do to prevent the flu for you and your family this and every flu season?

Well, I'll always tell you that getting adjusted boosts your immune system naturally...by up to 200%!  So keep getting adjusted!

In between your adjustments you can use the NET Remedy #12 called Flu Immune.  Just 6 sprays (for adults, less for kids) one time per week is all you need.  One bottle will last all season for your entire family.  It's safe for everyone! 

When you buy your bottle through this link and I'll have it waiting for you on your next visit.  I can also ship it to you, but you'll have to pay shipping.  

I've already had to order a second case of this amazing stuff because I can't keep it in stock.  

 Order Now.
Immune Strength Essential Oil Blend
The same formula as the Popular "Thieves" oil at a fraction of the cost! 

When you come to my office during flu season, you will smell THIS essential oil being diffused on a regular basis. In between my own schedule of adjustments, I make sure I boost my immune system with this amazing oil blend.  I even sent a bottle with my daughter to college.  She's boosting her immune system and her friends LOVE how her dorm room smells - how many people can say that?  

You can get your own bottle for $15.  That's it!  
P.S. I add this Oil Blend to my natural soap so each time I wash my hands (which is a lot  - especially during flu season) I get an added benefit!

Raindrop Therapy  
Schedule your appointment now.
Relaxing 45-60 min immune enhancing massage using 9 essential oils

The major effects of Raindrop Technique are:
  • Kill bacteria and viruses hibernating along the length of the spine.
  • Relieve inflammation and pain.
  • Soothe the nervous system.
  • Unwind tight and sore muscles, tendons, and ligaments.
  • Balance and harmonize the energy and structural systems of the body.
  • Produce deep relaxation and facilitate the release of stubborn emotions.
  • Enhance immunity and cleanse the body of toxins.
Learn More             

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Do babies get cracked, too....uh...I mean adjusted?

Babies get adjusted.  Eggs get cracked.  There's a HUGE difference.

Do babies get adjusted?

Of course they do!  Keep in mind that it's VERY different than how I adjusted you.  In fact, light pressure is about all it takes! 

Let me answer some of the most frequent questions I get about pediatric chiropractic.
  • Why should my baby have a check up?
Some of the most common reasons new moms have me check out their little ones is to make sure they didn't sustain any trauma from birth.  This ensures a super healthy advantage to the vast amount of growing they are going to do.
  • What are some things that I should look for?
Does your baby have trouble with nursing, with latching on? This is quite common and extremely easy to check and correct.

Colic, reflux and constipation are also quite common in many newborns.  These conditions  respond extremely well to chiropractic care, usually in a very short period of time, too!
  • What if my baby doesn't have any issues?  Does he or she still need a check up?
I always recommend a newborn check up.  Here's a good guideline to follow regarding regular check ups:
    • At Birth
    • Upon developing good control of the head (around 2 months)
    • Upon sitting unsupported (about 4 months)
    • Upon crawling (about 6 months)
    • Upon standing (about 9 months)
    • Upon walking (about 11-12 months)
  • I would be honored to care for you baby!  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Schedule your baby's checkup today.  
  • More information

Nursing Mother's Neck - What a pain!!

Nursing Mother's Neck?  Is that a "thing"?

Yes it is a thing. In fact, almost ALL of my new moms have neck pain and headaches!  I know I did when I had BOTH of my kids.   

Plus, if you had neck issues or headaches BEFORE you delivered, chances are it's even worse now.  Sure, your low back "stuff" may have resolved, but now you might have a pain in the neck! 

How did I get it?

The posture we adopt when we feed our babies is usually very bad for our cervical spine (neck).  We are holding the baby in one arm, looking down and to the left or right and, very often, falling asleep in a chair.  This position (and others that are even worse!) put a lot of strain on the nerves and muscles of the neck causing pain, numbness and tingling.  It's especially bad for those who had pre-existing neck issues before having your baby.  

By the way, dads, non nursing moms and grandparents can get the same thing.  It's the prolonged poor posture that does it - oh and lugging those super heavy car seats all over creation doesn't help either!

What if I have it?  What do I do?

Luckily the answer is ultra simple.  I bet you even know what it is before I tell you.
Getting your spine adjusted and aligned is the single, most effective way to help with nursing mother's neck.  When you schedule your appointment (click the button below) let me know you are having issues with "Nursing Mother's Neck" so I can show you some exercises you can do at home to help keep your neck in tip top shape.

If you or someone you know has "Nursing Mother's Neck", 
getting adjusted is the 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

When life gives you lemon oil

The latest item I've been asked to sample (for free, by the way) is the Lemon Essential Oil pictured here.  I was sent a HUGE bottle and couldn't wait to try it.  Lemon oi is great for a multitude of things and this one is no different.

I use all natural cleaners n my home.  Concentrated, unscented, very effective, but otherwise boring cleaners.  I added a few drops of this lemon oil and use it for everything from countertops to floors to glass cleaner.   I also use it in my essential oils diffuser for an instant air freshener.  I have a couple of cats and fresh air can be hard to come by.  This stuff is great for clean air.  I've added a couple of drops to my drinking water - yes you can ingest certain essential oils.  Lemon is one of them.  This is a food grade oil made from lemons, so....

The oil, not only makes water taste, well, lemony...it is purported to boost your metabolism and help burn fat.  I can't report on that at the moment, but I thought it was worth a try.  It's also supposed to boost your energy.  Who couldn't use more of that?  I haven't noticed more of that either, but I haven't been ultra consistent, to be perfectly honest.  I'll keep at it though, and if somehow, I become a size 2 in the next week or so, I'll be back to tell all about it!

In a nutshell, I love this stuff and will be using for a long time to come.