Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Nursing Mother's Neck - What a pain!!

Nursing Mother's Neck?  Is that a "thing"?

Yes it is a thing. In fact, almost ALL of my new moms have neck pain and headaches!  I know I did when I had BOTH of my kids.   

Plus, if you had neck issues or headaches BEFORE you delivered, chances are it's even worse now.  Sure, your low back "stuff" may have resolved, but now you might have a pain in the neck! 

How did I get it?

The posture we adopt when we feed our babies is usually very bad for our cervical spine (neck).  We are holding the baby in one arm, looking down and to the left or right and, very often, falling asleep in a chair.  This position (and others that are even worse!) put a lot of strain on the nerves and muscles of the neck causing pain, numbness and tingling.  It's especially bad for those who had pre-existing neck issues before having your baby.  

By the way, dads, non nursing moms and grandparents can get the same thing.  It's the prolonged poor posture that does it - oh and lugging those super heavy car seats all over creation doesn't help either!

What if I have it?  What do I do?

Luckily the answer is ultra simple.  I bet you even know what it is before I tell you.
Getting your spine adjusted and aligned is the single, most effective way to help with nursing mother's neck.  When you schedule your appointment (click the button below) let me know you are having issues with "Nursing Mother's Neck" so I can show you some exercises you can do at home to help keep your neck in tip top shape.

If you or someone you know has "Nursing Mother's Neck", 
getting adjusted is the 

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